
Ab exercises are more important than your appearance and the development of a six-pack. football boots outlet Ab exercises help to strengthen your core muscles, which allows for improved overall fitness, endurance and strength. As you age, your balance may become compromised and your strength begins to wane due to weak core muscles and muscle loss. Strong core muscles are important for flexibility, balance and stability, especially for those over 50. You will have difficulty doing simple tasks, such as climbing stairs, taking out the trash, and sitting up from a prone position if your core is weak

Ab Exercises

You may begin to develop joint pain and stiffness due to arthritis and back pain because your muscles tend to weaken after age 50. Strengthening your abdominal muscles can reduce back pain, improve posture, help you stay active to retain functionality and alleviate the pain of arthritis. The bicycle maneuver is an easy exercise to perform but works wonders for your ab muscles. Lie on the floor and move your legs in a pedaling motion. adidas 11pro uk The captain's chair exercise is performed on gym equipment by the same name. Hold your body weight with your arms and lift your legs toward your chest. This is a good exercise for your entire core, especially your lower abs. Make your crunches more effective and easier to perform by doing them on an exercise ball. The ball cushions your back while stimulating your entire core.

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Obliques Exercises

You might have noticed you have started to develop love handles after age 50. It is not uncommon for people to pack on some belly fat as they age. The waist twist is an easy exercise that can help firm and tone your obliques, which are the abdominal muscles on each side of your waist. You can do waist twists while standing or sitting. Squeeze your abs tightly and rotate your body to the left as far as you can and then back to the center. Repeat on the right side. Hold a medicine ball or dumbbells close to your chest for added resistance.

Warm-Up and Cool-Down

No matter your age, it's important to warm up and cool down to help reduce your risk of injury. Warming up your body by doing some light aerobic exercise improves blood flow and loosens up your muscles and joints. Jump rope, jog or even march in place for five to 10 minutes before doing more strenuous exercise. Cool-down the same way, by doing light exercise, adidas ace football boots until your heart rate and respiration return to normal.

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